Saturday, 10 September 2016

The silent language of souls...

The silent language, is indeed the purest form of connection. The communication enters from within - that all sounds cliche - though is true. You do not connect with your soul whilst living outwardly. You connect when you give yourself space to sit silently and hear the whispers of your you.  Sometimes you double take your whispers as thoughts or nonsense. You being to question yourself - did i hear that? How did it know? Really?
Yes, trust yourself, trust your inner feeling of understanding that this is right... this is your truth. Talking and attempting to guide you to shine your light.
You see we are all make of light. It's just up to you whether you choose to live in your shadow or your light?
When you are feeling low do not forget to acknowledge that our shadow can seem larger than our light at times and can be overbearing (imagine looking at your shadow on the ground in front of you  - bigger than you).. have faith that your light will shine again if you live your TRUTH. 

If you lie, judge, and look at yourself negatively your shadow will over come you. If you have the strength to live truthfully (even when it does not 'fit' the ideal in your society) then you will know that you are making connection to your soul, you are accepting the soft nudges and guidance that your see laid out in front of you. Your light shines ever so brightly. Other humans and their souls are attracted to you. They then live their truth and then reflect this onto others. This is how we can collectively heal ourselves, others and our earth. This is how our frequency can lift higher - and others want to follow and too live fully open and awake. With no doubt in their mind that they must listen, connect and be their souls light.
I struggle to give myself the space to listen frequently. I am a mother, a wife, a business owner, a blogger (ha!) and when its time to sit silently there is generally a time limit.. I don't like to live by time, though in our reality we do.
I tend to connect at the best of times when I am completely relaxed and have not time limit around me.  I have the capacity to channel, heal and listen totally when i am in that space. This can be completely scary to someone who hasn't done this before.
The fear is a little resistance from the negative mind thinking you are cooky... You are not. Your soul, answers and healing is all there. Every human being has this capacity to connect. Its just whether you want to listen and live your life to the be your absolute best and in its truest form. 

When living day to day - trust your feelings  - trust your gut, your nervous system, your sweat, your tears, your laughs. Trust the pushes to move you forward. Trust your you. It's your spirit coming forward through from the depths of your soul, and just reminding you to stay on task. They are the quick messages that you leads you through your day. These messages can easily be ignored - and if you do, the circumstances may not always seem that bad. Though if you live like this daily - then this will shift sooner or later to a place where you will feel stuck, sad and negative. This can be traumatic for your human body at times, and crushing for your soul. The disappointment your body can feel is strong. Your body then takes on the emotion and then becomes dis-eased... you are not feeling at ease you are feeling dis- eased. This is when your human body home of your soul begins to deteriorate. And unless you begin listening to the cues - your human body will die. Your soul will move on ready to re learn the lesson over again.
My advice to you is to stop breath listen and live.

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