Saturday 20 June 2015


Peel fear away from your thoughts, actions and voice.
Fear is the fence between you and your soul
Your soul is the authentic you. 
The fear stems from your mind... and puts doubt, vulnerability, fright, anxiousness, depression in your heart and then suppresses your dreams.
Fear is the 'what if's' the 'I should of's' and the 'you can't ' chatter in your mind
Fear is debilitating and brings out the fake you.

Fear can rule your life if you let it...
There are dreams and fear jumps in to crush them - if you let it 
Fear is not you - its your mind playing with you...

You can actually chat to your fear and accept you have it in you, Do Not FEEL it...
see it and let it vanish into thin air, or let it move on.
During your day many thoughts pass through your mind. It is fair to watch them, then allow them to move on...
If you continue to watch them, they began to make you feel. This then encourages repetitious thoughts and physical fear. You will no longer go back. A cycle of fear can continue on for as long as you think it. Until you set it aside. let it go, let it fly away, let it disintegrate. 

Do not FEEL it... If you feel it, the frequency of your fear is felt through your heart and then becomes reality.
Did you know that the feeling of anger lasts 90 secs within your body, that feeling can prompt you to think of it again which then triggers your feeling again!
This then becomes a viscous circle - you then feel anger forever more... until you stop, breath, move away from the situation and make your CHOICE not to feel it anymore.
The fear will then pass and you then have the FREEDOM to move forward and follow the yearning of your soul. (your truth and purpose)

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