Saturday, 9 August 2014

Accepting, that you know...

Have you ever felt an awakening?
where you shift...
Shift your thoughts
Shift your body
Shift your perspective
Drop your egotistic thoughts

Do you carry fear? This (this blog - putting myself out there) has been a fear of mine...

I know that there is more - do i explore?
What will i find out? What will I learn?
Deep down I know it is part of my purpose to dig deep - exploration is in my blood (and my star sign)

In my work I assist children to explore their body and how it moves and to begin to work as one with their bodies... this is just the beginning of exploration in this universe.

This has become easy for me now... it took me 15 years to feel easy. That's why i know that i am ready to help teach the exploration of the inner essence of you.

Diving in...

Understanding that we are all energy, tiny little molecules of energy that all intertwine and can flow. It is a science, which then in turn becomes spiritual as it sits well with you - the truth.

Healing energy is positive energy and intentional energy.

If you intend to deliver a certain energy it will be felt.
If you go searching for a certain energy, its best not to try to hard. It comes in the most curious ways...

Sit with your energies,

Accept your changes in energy (or mood)
Embrace your bodies physical changes. From menstrual cycles, gaining a layer of extra cushion, being pregnant, after birth transformation.

Making the realization for yourself that you feel better being a certain body type and energy type, and not beating yourself up that you are not always at that level of energy and body shape is freedom.

Your body is your host, your home, be kind to it
It is your physical being for you to experience
~You are your soul~

Articulation is not my strength, feeling is....

Intuition and a sense of knowing is my strength....

Once you embrace that feeling of knowing and listening deeper for your answers then your understand that this is the only way to guide you in your life. Making decisions and taking actions by your sense of feel is a huge comfort.  Because you know that it is right. You then feel and understand that everything will be ok.

All experiences come our way for a lesson, do not expect to learn them straight away...

Life (energy and the universe) throws you experiences knowing that you can handle certain situations...

~Acceptance of all that is one and one that is all is a shift in itself~

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