Friday, 17 October 2014

Experience 'it' - Completely and wholesomely

Every experience will only last that one time…

It cannot be repeated, there will always be something different about the next experience.
As humans we are creatures that thrive on routine and familiarity. We need consistency in our lives. As much as we may try to veer off the path (for snippets of our lives) we like the fact that there is some familiarity in some aspects of our lives. Whether it be within our family, or the coffee shop we visit on our way to work.
If we do not take each moment as they appear they will fade just as quickly as they came.
Watch and be ‘in it’ as consciously as you can. Your sub conscious will pick up as you go and bring you memories and feelings of that experience.

  • ·         Be fair to yourself, and kind in your decisions of the experiences that you can bring fully into your life.
  • ·         Do not be greedy and want too much of the grand stuff, because those moments come when you least expect them.
  • ·         Remind yourself that the good stuff is the day to day stuff… because we are clearly lucky to be experiencing a human life.

I believe that it is important to aspire to achieve your goals in life, to grasp an understanding of your purpose, to make your existence worthwhile and rewarding. Some people are not aware or sure of their purpose, and they don’t have to be. My understanding is our purpose evolves. Just like us. Be patient.

Your purpose and truth comes in waves and drops in from time to time - makes you aware of its existence and idea. It’s up to you if you want to act on it. And experience it to its full potential.

Friday, 12 September 2014

My Essentials...

What do you essentially need in your day to day life?
I know I need a cuddle, a smile, some sun would be nice and a peak at the stars 

I love to be in the right mind set to sit and play and read with my children, be able to let go of our daily tasks that are lingering in the midst of your day. To focus and be 'in it' with the people that makes my world go round.

  • I essentially need to continue to remind myself that it is not kind to place guilt on my conscience. Not to beat myself up for the little things.. 
  • I essentially need the love of my family, immediate and extended...

The power of love and family is so potent and lifts you every time.
After personal experience of traumatic illnesses and watching loved ones ride them, it teaches you how important presence and support of family & loved ones is. Probably the strongest cure.

Networks of people, and their energy is essential to anyone's day. Community. Children...

Children is what keeps me alive and driven...makes me want to survive the waves of life. We want to see them achieve, create and succeed... we want to love, support and travel their journeys with them.

For me the innocence and wonder of children is so captivating and fabulous. They keep me intrigued and assist me to continue to be creative, generous, and full of happiness. 
When they are entertained by themselves they are so scrumptious to watch. Their interaction and engagement with their game is priceless. 

Children remind anyone to be selfless and that our lives on earth are to be fulfilled with essence and purpose. 
Watching the innocence and curiosity of children can make you take a step back and remind you of your essentials..

For readers that do not have a huge amount of contact with children - find one to be intrigued by... they are pure and kind. Their number one is LOVE. 
Deep down our number one is LOVE too... but for children you don't have to look too deep.

What are your essentials?

Friday, 22 August 2014

Open to Flow...

Do you feel caught sometimes?

Do you get stuck?
Do you feel frustrated at times...

Like the days are passing... but they are a little pointless? They are just passing.. no real guts to them..


Do you ever feel like there is a little opening? A voice that tells you something, a feeling that triggers a thought to an action, a series of events, or a simple situation that makes you move on it...

And you begin to question it - because its just peeking, nudging at you, and its tempting to venture down that path.. though there are questions, and internal banter inside your mind, what if? or should I or could I?...

If you see it, feel it and acknowledge it then its probably right...the right path.

As you go down that path there are a series of rights and clarity... and 'oh i get it now'.. so it fits, it FLOWS..

Be open to the flow and the wave of your life that you are riding... Do not be afraid ~

The flow is so important to us, because if we are not open to the flow then life can be miserable and monotonous.

Noticing and awareness that you are flowing is a plus, as it makes you understand that your choices were right, not wrong.

Flow feels amazing when its working... a series of situations continue to occur. They bring feelings of clarity. 

Flow can be anywhere:

  • In the kitchen, whilst cooking and everything is going smoothly and nothing is burning!
  • With your children, when you bend down to them and acknowledge what they are saying and how they are feeling. The connection flows, and you usually have an outcome that is not stressful.
  • With your work/ or in your workplace, making choices that are fair, balanced and acted on after giving it time.
  • In a relationship, tit for tat.. its always a balancing act. Compromise is so important.
  • Daily decisions, normally rushed decisions create turmoil, well thought out decisions pan out (flow) well. 
  • Slow and steady wins the race - it is the truth. In all aspects of life, if you speed something up you cannot SUSTAIN it, nor can clarity stem from it.
  • Clear and direct... it is only fair to share your opinions if you are clear. Round about does not work. If you are clear in your decision making and the delivery of the information or opinion then you are going to get an outcome that generally you want.
Being open to the flow allows you to travel your chosen path in a free manner... Whatever you are destined to do here becomes right and does not second guess your actions or choices.

(sometimes the answer does not come straight away, its generally just a timing thing, give it time... it will come ~ out of nowhere, and then the wave continues)

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Accepting, that you know...

Have you ever felt an awakening?
where you shift...
Shift your thoughts
Shift your body
Shift your perspective
Drop your egotistic thoughts

Do you carry fear? This (this blog - putting myself out there) has been a fear of mine...

I know that there is more - do i explore?
What will i find out? What will I learn?
Deep down I know it is part of my purpose to dig deep - exploration is in my blood (and my star sign)

In my work I assist children to explore their body and how it moves and to begin to work as one with their bodies... this is just the beginning of exploration in this universe.

This has become easy for me now... it took me 15 years to feel easy. That's why i know that i am ready to help teach the exploration of the inner essence of you.

Diving in...

Understanding that we are all energy, tiny little molecules of energy that all intertwine and can flow. It is a science, which then in turn becomes spiritual as it sits well with you - the truth.

Healing energy is positive energy and intentional energy.

If you intend to deliver a certain energy it will be felt.
If you go searching for a certain energy, its best not to try to hard. It comes in the most curious ways...

Sit with your energies,

Accept your changes in energy (or mood)
Embrace your bodies physical changes. From menstrual cycles, gaining a layer of extra cushion, being pregnant, after birth transformation.

Making the realization for yourself that you feel better being a certain body type and energy type, and not beating yourself up that you are not always at that level of energy and body shape is freedom.

Your body is your host, your home, be kind to it
It is your physical being for you to experience
~You are your soul~

Articulation is not my strength, feeling is....

Intuition and a sense of knowing is my strength....

Once you embrace that feeling of knowing and listening deeper for your answers then your understand that this is the only way to guide you in your life. Making decisions and taking actions by your sense of feel is a huge comfort.  Because you know that it is right. You then feel and understand that everything will be ok.

All experiences come our way for a lesson, do not expect to learn them straight away...

Life (energy and the universe) throws you experiences knowing that you can handle certain situations...

~Acceptance of all that is one and one that is all is a shift in itself~

Sunday, 29 June 2014

5 steps to allowing yourself to be you..

  • Listen to yourself
  • Make choices that feel right
  • Be you- no one else
  • Consider perspective- always
  • Take responsibility of your actions
Letting yourself be you is a freedom, a luxury that you may not consider straight away in life. You may come in and out of being you during different periods of your life. And when you fall back into you - you know, because its cosy. It's right. Exploration is important, riding waves in necessary... though flowing back to your true self is essential for you to live your chosen journey through life.

What can get in the way of being you?
  • Fear
  • Worry
  • Over analysis/over thinking
  • Being over booked - too busy

These emotions, feelings and ideals cannot fall away from you and your mindfulness all the time..
Though you can use them as a tool, a tool to bring you back, Bring back your Balance..

Balance -
Balance can be practised every where, in all parts of life.
  • Balance in your exercise
  • Balancing socially
  • Balancing your diet
  • Balancing your family life
  • Balancing your time

How can you introduce balance gently?
  1. Accept and admit to your weight...(metaphorically)
  2. Start Small -
  • add a salad to your plate of fish n chips
  • shut the bathroom door so no one follows you in
  • organise nights out in advance - something to look forward to - with plenty of warning for your kids.
  • walk to the supermarket or to post a letter rather than drive
  • and when it all gets to much, STOP and breath, just breath - the sun will set, the sun will rise again (and so will you)
'The choice is yours, your life is yours, its not a rehearsal, let yourself be you.'