Tuesday, 28 April 2015

The truth about children…

In my opinion is that,

They are spontaneous
They are full of life
They are innocent
They are genuine
They are light                                                                        
They are open
They are NOT as dependent on adults as we may think
They are VERY capable
They need to experience it  for themselves to genuinely learn
Children are NOT robots – they do not always act on your instruction,
They test – EVERYONE, they need to work out their limits and boundaries with each individual
They will not show respect if you don’t
They need eye contact
They need reassurance – they do not need banter
They need clear instruction, not fuzzy
They need compromise, gentle conversation & YOUR TIME
(Once involved in a game all focus is there… so much more intriguing than the TV)
Authentic presence by their family and peers is essential,
as is love and security
Time is not important to children, as they live in the moment.

They are our teachers….

What have you learnt from a child lately?

'My Teachers'

                                                                               (an oldie but a goodie!)

Friday, 10 April 2015

Offering... and yes, receiving ~ with children and life...

Have you ever asked for a hug off your child? or a kiss? because they are so delectable? and have they refused... because they don't want to?
Have you then reversed the action? and asked if you can give them a kiss or a hug? rather than taking one from them, maybe give one firstly and then you will receive...
It's everywhere in all aspects of life...

How about sharing yourself between children? you have so much love to share, though to do this evenly can be a balancing act..

What to notice:

  • be sensitive to your child's actions
  • watch the sibling dynamic
  • take them by surprise
  • play with them
  • TIME - its all about giving time, not a screen, or keeping them super busy.. (do a drawing with them, make a building, read a book - play with the play dough..You might actually enjoy yourself!

What not to do...

  • Offer ALL the time...
  • Don't expect the same action/gesture back - you will receive in all sorts of ways - sometimes they will surprise you...(my 6 yr. old son took all the washing off the line today because it was raining, by his own choice - this is an action of love to his parents. And a feeling of satisfaction for him - as we thanked him and praised him - WIN WIN situation) 
  • Don't 'try' too hard (maybe just give it a go!)

What to do..

  • Be mindful - of how someone may be perceiving a situation
  • Be gentle in your offering - there needs to be a balance in your energy
  • Care about your offering...
  • Believe your offering - if you don't believe then its not authentic - and you will not receive
  • do not have high expectations of your receiving (eg: if I do this, then I will get that)
  • watch your delivery - if you yell at someone, don't be surprised that they yell back
  • Breath and take time